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Everything posted by Harlequin

  1. Goddamnit, almost forgot about this VN. But it was soooooooooooo great, so emotional, so exhausting. It was so hard to sleep for several days after finishing it, though I only did Hanako's route. Oh and it was the first VN for me, someone who loves reading and who gets emotional real easy... can you imagine what it was like to read Katawa Shoujo with that setup? It was crazy. A turning point for me. I had now experienced some real art that I could appreciate. It just went on from there. These songs I tell you... Memories. Some sweet memories. Thank you.
  2. Saya no Uta (VNDB) Opening (promotion) movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bITbXs1wHVs (Spoilers are all inside the spoiler box down at the bottom.) "TYK#^t3m4T34,Rg4534j&lg45uje@@@" Magnificent and... Wrong - in all the right ways. I think that's a very fair thing to say about this rather short VN. This is one of the most unique *good* experiences I've ever had. It doesn't feel right though to compare it to titles such as Muv-Luv Alternative and Sharin no Kuni, because this VN is just way too different from them and also much shorter. It's in a diff
  3. Fate/stay night (VNDB) Opening movie (1): (Spoilers are all inside the spoiler box down at the bottom.) "Rejoice, Emiya Shirou. Your wish will finally come true." Good lord... This was an epic journey. But that's obvious right? It should be. I knew it would take a long time to finish before starting. But really, it was longer than expected. It was atleast as long as the entire Muv-Luv series. Yes, it was quite exhausting to say the least. Exhausting but oh so good. Let's just get this out of the way right now: This is an incredibly entertaining VN. O
  4. Indubitably, my good sir. I do declare this to be true! *corrects the monocle*
  5. Aaaaah, that smooth progress from Ixrec... It's really uplifting to see!
  6. Unfortunately, according to VNDB, no other VNs from Doujin3aries has been translated. As for other VNs that might be similar in style, I can't personally think of any. Atleast not any translated ones.
  7. Hmmmm... It's really hard to pick just one. 1. Tsugumi, from Ever17 2. Irina, from My Girlfriend is the President There's probably better ones out there, but those are the best I've seen myself so far.
  8. Haha no, that's good. Good to hear that from you since you seem to like this sort of stuff. Might play it next.
  9. Dustmania Grotesque ~Kaitai Sounyuu Shinsho~. http://i.imgur.com/V9rlt.gif ... ... ... ... ... ... What just happened? I think I just lost my mind there for a moment. That has to be it. But really, what the heck just happened? My mind is all dizzy and weird, and my stomach aches. This has never happened before, honestly. Disgusting things just doesn't affect me like that, ever. Usually I just end up laughing about it, because it's ridiculous. But I didn't do that with this VN. No, I sat and read in disbelief with a half open mouth and furrowed brows. I gotta give it props for that. T
  10. ^7/10, it's nice, though I personally don't know the character. Also thinking the previous one was better, hehe.
  11. Yes, totally agree with you there. It's a really interesting situation overall. You get so many mixed emotions while reading it, especially near the end of course.
  12. Saya no Uta. Holy moley... Spoilers are all in the spoiler box down below, because no one wants spoilers. Long text because Saya no Uta was so damn different. Magnificent and... Wrong - in all the right ways. I think that's a very fair thing to say about this rather short VN. This is one of the most unique *good* experiences I've ever had. It doesn't feel right though to compare it to titles such as Muv-Luv Alternative and Sharin no Kuni, because this VN is just too different from them and also much shorter. It's in a different league altogether. To start of with, I just want to say
  13. ... I don't get it. At all. Because that's what I just played myself. The same exact game uploaded here, with that Hybridweiss.
  14. So you downloaded the game from Eroge Download recently, correct? If you downloaded the game a long time ago, that version you've got might be something too old. So get it again from here just in case. When you know you've got the Edelweiss that is uploaded on this site right now, then get this Hybridweiss - Hybridweiss_rel_A.7z It's the one I used before. And I just tried "installing" and playing the game again with the above combination. It works and yes, it's the updated MangaGamer version. If the above doesn't work for you then I guess there must be something wrong with your settings
  15. The moment I heard her voice in Muv Luv for the first time, I knew, this was gonna be a good day... week... month... year... lifetime and beyond. I said to her; Please, Goddess, Save me from these terrible childhood friend characters, Give me one that is good. To which she replied; Your wish has been granted. Doriru Miruki Panchu. And I flew, with my heart filled with newfound hope and joy.
  16. Good choice for revival, battler. (this thread) Here's mine: A plain and boring story with nothing special to it. If it makes you sleepy, then you know something is up. The pacing could be wrong, or it's just uninteresting in general. It needs to have something good to it. But hey, we all read VNs/eroges for different reasons. I read it for the storytelling primarily, so this is obviously the biggest problem for me.
  17. So here's a viewpoint coming from me, a VN noob (and pirate), meaning it's probably silly in the end since I don't really have much experience or knowledge about these things in general. ... I'm not too fussed about all of this since good titles are still being translated by people such as Aroduc (just one example). He does fantastic things with some of these VNs with gameplay in them, right? In other words, it just doesn't matter to me if these two companies release nukiges for the most part or not. Now, I'm guessing the two of them can give out higher quality releases sometimes. Like Ef f
  18. Oooo you oughta get on with that Ever17 right away I'd say. It can be emotional, but it's certainly not utsuge atleast. A grand mystery story, yes, that it is. You'd love it if you're into mystery. Well... as long as you try it at some point anyway.
  19. Honestly, Sumika's voice actress is something else. Before I knew she voiced Natsumi in Sharin, I thought Natsumi had a great voice... One of the reasons why the character was my favourite while reading main Sharin. Well, turns out that wasn't so strange after all, huh. Seeing her in more VNs being translated is a wonderful thing, so... Blessed be the Goddess!
  20. F-f-freeeeeak!? Why!... Well... yes...
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