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Everything posted by Ivs

  1. RoTK and Dynasty W, i play most of the series, Skyrim, last renmant and Left4Dead2.
  2. Ivs

    Koihime Musou

    different plot. Anime doesn't have MC/Protagonist.
  3. still they have it. here at my place, there are none. haha
  4. Ivs

    Melty Blood: Actress Again

    why does it look like an emulator after i install the game? and i can't play it. and i can't install patch just like other members here who mention this before.
  5. they have MBAACC in Singapore? i am impress. wish we have them here in my place.
  6. I loved kohaku's Arc and Last Arc Drive. And Her voice actor really made a good job.
  7. Harukoi Otome, still not finish though. Played too much fighting games (Melty Blood series). ahaha.
  8. Ahh.... seeing this really makes me wish they make tsukihime 2 or at least a remake.
  9. re-read Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a Shooting Star-
  10. yandare is 'not to gore' for me. IF they have a slice of comedy in it. lol
  11. maybe that because BR doesn't have alien in it. Gantz feel like sci-fi manga.
  12. thanks for the info guys. better download it now.
  13. black screen? it usually because of codec. you should update your codec.
  14. I am not sure if this question belong here, but i ask anyway. i want to back up my save file so i can play it on another computer, but i can't find the save file. where are those file located? p/s believe me, i can't believe myself that i asked these type of question. i am usually not this bad with computer. make me realize that i am actually not very good with technology. *sigh* -edit- problem solve. thanks to Desi and Hawkins.
  15. indeed, but translations seems pretty slow.
  16. http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/52706/Ecchi662.jpg?=123 found it by google. lol
  17. G Senjō no Maō - Haru's entire route. btw @iLoveTsundere, loved your sig. (poor guy, its amazing that he can endure that nonstop baka's slap. lol)
  18. hasn't been translate? never mind that, i am still downloading this. thanks Ivan.
  19. HoshizoraNoMemoria - Chinami's 3X Onii chan. (i noticed most readers hates her, but for me, she is GOOD to have around. hahaha)
  20. I thought i am the only one who like this manga.
  21. I saw you name in Today's Birthday so i want to say


    Happy Birthday. :D

    Wish you have a wonderful week.

  22. Ivs

    Dengeki Stryker

    just pretend you never read the spoiler.
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