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Everything posted by Haika

  1. As far as I know there are only the 4 routes. Also, I suggest you do Rimu and Yayoi's routes before you finish Kanade's. As those two seem to almost be side-heroines and their stories are shorter. I still think Riho's route is the best however. The only thing I noticed unlocked from having 100% completion was all the music tracks to listen to in the extras section. Also, larger thread about Deardrops over in the temp forum: https://erogegames.com/main-category/temporary-forum/294-deardrops/
  2. *sings along* Never been a huge spiderman nerd, however, I can appreciate the catchy theme from ages ago.
  3. I never really liked the whole forum Waifu idea. Be it anime or whatever. Just doesn't sit right with me. Characters I enjoy watching, getting to know, and in the case of eroges tend to get emotionally involved with, being randomly claimed by some dude in a forum irks me. Some of the attraction to treating women like objects does filter through to me, so I can understand the desire, but that's in a totally different line of perverted thought, I don't understand that sort of treatment outside of private, and I'm not sure I ever will. I could probably think of several random anime girls
  4. mmm Riho swimsuit.... Damn, I've been away from my eroge for too long. Come on monday... hurry up and get here.
  5. This game has several issues getting certain triggers to run properly, even with the newest patch to stop some crashes. That said, I still love Nano-Beta as a character. I really did enjoy her story, if it was a bit odd at times. Robot heroines are hard to come by in eroge.
  6. Hey now... these pain killers I'm taking are technically a narcotic legally, maybe I'll become like Nekoko from Yume Miru Kusuri and get a job selling my 'vision' as a creative idea.
  7. That's it, I need to become a movie producer. "Bowling for Cute Undines' Shall be #1!
  8. My issue is a bit of all three, basically had part of my gut rupture on monday, and have been in pain since then. It got infected, and thus I'm here in the hospital on a strict no anything diet, and IV drips. The particular room I'm in is very hotel like, though it has the obvious 5am people with needles coming to take blood, and nurses making routine vitals checks through the day. Oh and painkillers, lovely lovely painkillers. ;/ You'd think all painkillers would be great, but apparently the ibuprofin I was taking before I got here ate at the lining of my stomach just adding to the issue.
  9. Glad people are interested in hearing my thoughts as I play though games. However I have some bad news. I ended up getting myself hospitalized for several days here. So I borrowed my mother's laptop to stay connected with the free wireless. Suffice it to say, I won't be playing many VN's during my stay. Even if I could find a clean one, I'd still have to download it, and that's iffy here at best. So I will update this thread when things get better, and I will eventually finish this game and more!
  10. I've found lately that I do indeed like having a walkthrough for my VN's. Most games I suggest people play through on their own first, but the way the choices for Visual Novels go sometime can really waste a bunch of time, and if you play the same scenes over and over again through skip they tend to loose impact to me. so yes, I do my best to always have a walkthrough handy, hopefully one without spoilers.
  11. Well this thread really is turning into my personal journal as I play through the game. I hope at least some few are reading these and enjoying them. I usually make it a habit to not reply to my own posts, but this will be the third time. I could always edit the post, but I feel that I made the thread, and would like to continue it the way I am with each update. I've started working my way through Aeka's stuff. So far the story just feels so very wrong it makes my skin crawl. The main character especially seems like such a pansy that I can barely take it. And there's been like 4 H-scenes wi
  12. I did Serawi first, now am working my way through Yuela's route. However, the game play is dragging on a bit for me. I haven't given up yet, as I do want to learn the story bits I haven't yet. But I doubt I will get to Emi's route any time soon.
  13. The results on this poll are rather surprising. I would have thought that the story only option might be higher. That's where I ended up putting my vote. I quite enjoy games like Sengoku Rance, and Monster Quest, and I might even put Koihime Musou(even if the gameplay was a bit weak sometimes) in the full on, everything at max levels catagory. However, there's something about them that seems to get lost as you play it. I don't think it makes them bad games, but the ones that really hit me as stronger experiences are always the ones with the amazing stories.
  14. When I was young I was diagnosed with ADHD. I constantly had to fight my school system to keep my head above water. It was mostly my mother pushing them to do more for me than I felt to do. To me it comes down to a serious infection of apathy. In my mind no matter what I do, I have to struggle and push myself to do it. 90% of games I play I don't finish. Vn's seem to be the exception, but there are several I've put as 'stalled' into my VNDB that suffer from the same apathy crush that I get for anime, books, games, and even work and my physical health. That aside, you can't really dwell on
  15. Ahh, just finished Nekoko's route. Took a day off here to spend some time with family, and just didn't feel like playing much yesterday. So today I wrapped the route up. I suppose you could call this the 'Fairy Tail' ending... Irony aside, the story was pretty good. However, I don't believe it really pushed me over the emotional edge as much as some of the other games I've played. I did like Nekoko as a character, and the big spoiler totally blind-sided me. So there's a positive there. Also as I mentioned before, the H-scenes seem to have a bit more feel of 'kink' than your typical VN.
  16. And about 12 hours later I find myself taking a break from the game for a bit. I'm well and truly into Nekoko's route now. I was actually immensely relieved when the other two heroine plots ended... The way the three storylines are somewhat merged at the start and eventually you focus on one is a little troublesome. Even after meeting Nekoko the heart-wrenching guilt about Aeka is just repeated over and over, though I was starting to enjoy the brief bits with Mizuki. I will say that so far the H-stuff has been extremely stimulating. Especially for a Loli route. Usually the lack of much of a
  17. I used to watch the old Toonami and other dubbed shows on Cartoon Network 8-9 years ago. I didn't have much internet at the time, so I couldn't get much exposure to any sort of anime otherwise. It sucked horribly, but it was better than nothing. Once I had decent access again, I dropped those dub things like hot irons. Hence how I found out how bad the changes were.
  18. Yeah I heard about the sister. Apparently the gay guy at the shop had a route as well, or at least an ending. As creepy as that may have been. I actually like him as a character. The whole conversations about him trying to get the main character to play an eroge really strike familiar notes to this forum. That aside, Just met Nekoko for the first time. I don't know if the music playing is her theme or whatnot, but I love it. The mix of fast paced piano, cymbols and synthed horns is really right up my ally. And the humor with her as a character is great. It may be way too early, but first im
  19. So, I've decided to play Yume Miru Kusuri as my next VN. Not exactly a hugely popular one, but it's still got some good reviews on the VNDB. I'm going to blather on here in this thread, hopefully without too many spoilers about my thoughts and experiences as I go through the game. Feel free to play along, or add your own comments. From what I know about the game, there are 3 main heroines. Each with some pretty heavy issues. I'm just past the first choice as I type this, so I barely even know the 2nd or 3rd heroine, but the info on the first already has me going gah. Aeka's issues with b
  20. The Fate anime wasn't as bad as it could have been. They tended to blur the routes together some, but it was far better than say the Tsukihime anime. The latter just seemed to make up crap directly contrary to what was in the visual novel. I haven't played or watched Umineko so I have no thoughts there however. When I think of anime butchery, I always think of the horrible filler in the long run shows like Bleach and Naruto, The made up ending for the first FMA, and that horrible lolipop the dubbed One Piece was given. Certain things over the years that just make me rage and see red.
  21. Time for some more favorites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muIbpkAnj7o I like this one mostly for the song. But the visuals ain't bad either. Too bad the anime didn't hold a candle to the manga.
  22. Fate/Stay is probably mine. Though Katawa Shoujo and now G-senjou no Maou are both up there. I also think Koihime Musou deserves a mention as well.
  23. I do love that song. really should get around to playing clannad soon. I really did enjoy the anime quite a bit, so I'm sure the VN is going to be great, even without any Adult Content.
  24. Oh I totally agree. Be it from Light Novel, Manga, or VN, when the producers get their hands on a story to make it into an anime they tend to butcher it completely. Now there are some exceptions, like with Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, that actually follows the manga faithfully. So there's still hope, it's just very very slim. My current prayers are for Sankarea. I really hope they don't ruin that one.
  25. I agree 100%. Though I'm still a little rattled about the fact that I can find no anime. I felt so certain that was the reason the Tsubaki route gave me such feelings of Deja-Vu. I suppose I could have played the game well in the past and stopped before completing it, thinking Tsubaki's route was the proper one... But that seems such a flimsy excuse to the current way I play VN's.
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