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Everything posted by Chocolatemilkgod

  1. Really depends on the person, I guess. If I knew they could handle things like saya then that's a great choice. If not, then KS or Ever17 are pretty good choices, too (although KS probably more so, IMO, even though I liked Ever17 more, but whatever). I haven't played Planetarian before, but could that work? I man it's short, which is good, I just don't know if it would have the 'oomph' to really get across what VNs are or not (it could also be too short... again, a lot of this is dependent on the person and their likes/dislikes/patience etc.).
  2. Problem with Clannad is it's really long and daunting for a first time reader (unfortunately, I know this from experience). The Muv Luv series not only has the issue of being long, but has the first two parts which are pretty naff... Ever17 might work, though, if the person isn't too contra to the slice of life parts. Same with Katawa Shoujo. Depends on the person and what affinities they have. Personally, I'd be tempted to recommend something like Saya no Uta. Short as to not be daunting, but certainly having impact. If that went well, I'd probably increase the length a bit with something
  3. After a bit of break from VNs, starting Hoshizora no Memoria to ease me back in. I'll finish umineko eventually...
  4. Haven't gotten around to Danganropa yet, so it's a throw down for me (as for most people) between Grisaia and Rewrite... Actually pretty difficult since they're both great and actually have some similar flaws. In the end I have to vote for Rewrite, slightly. I loved the common route and, although some of the routes were kind of rubbish, the Moon + Terra = EDIT: I'm having second thoughts... oh well, I'll keep it like this for now for simplicity's sake
  5. Fyke. Don't get to use that one often, eh?
  6. Welcome! Hope you find the forum a good place. Just don't feed the trolls loppez, nothing good will come of it.
  7. Wait, did I miss something?... And although it's been talked about to death, if it was just the H scenes it wouldn't be an issue. It's because moenovel's translation quality is naff. Get your act together and release worthwhile translations that don't make me cringe.
  8. Hey guys, thought I'd post an editing update. I'm slightly over halfway now. I've kind of been going pretty slow due to time restraints, but we'll get there! Definitely most of the content is there, it's just the case of polishing up the language. The whole heartburn thing still killed me, though. Also, if you didn't know, the editing is in british english, so take that for what it's worth.
  9. Really the only way you could make it worse is if you say that K-on! is the best anime and that LoGH sucks. Also, topic derailment complete.
  10. Higurashi is one of my favourites. You can download the version Harle has since it has all the patches which makes the game look reasonable, comparison: Old New That is, unless you were playing it with the patch and still thought the art was bad (I actually quite like the ps2 art, simple but clean with the exception of a few backgrounds). And yeah, like umineko, there really aren't any 'choices' in the progression of the story. Also I wonder if the battler hate will come because of the bad art talk... O: Brace yourself.
  11. Burn the witch! Joking aside, I know the feeling of having a really long VN be your first...
  12. Clannad. In hindsight, not the best VN to start with considering its length and the quality of the translation back then, but still was really great. Plus, it made me find other VNs to read, so I'm not complaining.
  13. That would be fine, but I'm still waiting for my Sayuri it's a wonderful after fandisc
  14. Holy shit. Snarky desi. And Ikikoi should be good, although I'm not a huge fan of moege, but I'll get around to it eventually. It sounds as if it needs editing, but the translation should at least be 'correct', albeit a bit stiff.
  15. From what I hear about it, I'm surprised you're still sane.
  16. I *think* you can get the EX or ME versions (basically the 'extra' versions) to work with the english patch, but you have to download the specific version here, it's just I have absolutely no idea what version you ended up getting, Chin. It might be that it's an older english patch that doesn't have the correct word wrapping or texts, or maybe it's just the wrong version of the patch all together, I'm not sure. It's easiest to try re-downloading the version off the erogedownload site, since I know for a fact that one works. If you still have trouble we can see if we can muck around with som
  17. Wait wait wait. First of all, did you download the Little Busters Game from here, with all the parts and the english patch? Did you follow the instructions on how to install and play it? The only thing I could think of is if you are trying to play the EX content with the english patch, since that's supposed to cause some weird things to happen...It could be possible some weird text is being used that's not installed properly on your computer... If you did all of that correctly, I can't immediately think of what's wrong; can you post a screenshot of the text issues?
  18. If the story was in helvetica standard too, that'd be some real meta shit; I think the art community would really take notice. You could always use initials or a pen name I guess... Or just go for it and use your real name, whatever works . EDIT: The advantage of having your real name somewhere makes the copyright easier to enforce (not that it'd be an issue... but yeah).
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