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Everything posted by Chocolatemilkgod

  1. Yeah, it's not complicated at all. Just download the different parts, extract using winrar, and...you're done, actually. Well, you might have to drop something into your Windows/Font Folder, but that's it. The game is already patched to run and everything, no need even mount a .iso or anything. Trust me: try higurashi, you won't regret it. To play, just run one of the .exe files in the correct folder. Start with arcs 1-4, then 5 etc.; 8 is the last. I'm actually reading Higurashi at the moment (using this pack, I think) and having a blast! To describe it: A mystery murder horror mashup that
  2. Cross Channel retranslation nearly done, and Coμ is at nearly 50% now! I/O is getting there, too, now. All in all pretty good. Yumina is a bit of a disappointment for me, personally, since I was expecting some sort of decent story but...oh well. Fun for the RPG aspects, I guess.
  3. Finally finished Grisaia. It was definitely a great game, although it has some issues. I'll talk about it more in my review that I promised Gerard I'd do at some point, but my route order goes: Amane > Makina > Michiru > Sachi >>> Yumiko ...Yeah, yumiko's had a lot of potential but just fell short, which was a pity (I love kuuderes so not seeing her route be all that good was sad...especially because she was actually better in all the other routes (particularly Makina's, I thought)). At any rate, if I were to assign some random arbitrary number to the game, I'd probably
  4. I think the side character ones get unlocked when you finish a route, but the main heroine ones are only unlocked when you finish their route. So if you do michiru's, you'll get the side characters along with michiru's etc...At any rate just play the game and get them all, haha.
  5. Little busters got an update a day or two ago, although I'm not sure how much that it moved the % translation. Still only about 60% complete Some day.
  6. What desi said. It's more in the region of a year and a bit for the translations. I'm really enjoying Kajitsu a lot and I might consider reading the other two games with my sucky japanese combined with a dictionary and the translation aggregator...that said, I have so many VNs on my to read list that I'm in no rush.
  7. I found the common route really fun. Yes, it's long and you might get burnt out if you read it all at once, but it was really enjoyable. It's also important character development not only for the routes, but for the future titles as well. And yes, Yumiko's past drags like hell. Stupid narrative structure there. I'll write more about it once I actually finish grisaia though ^^.
  8. Continuing to read Grisaia slowly. I must say that it's very enjoyable, although it's not perfect. Personally I'm finding it probably on par with Sharin no Kuni and slightly below Rewrite. If I was to describe it, it'd be a mish mash of both sharin no kuni and Rewrite, with a bit of Katawa Shoujo, for good measure. Currently on Yumiko's route; definitely lacklustre compared to Amane's and Michiru's that I have played so far.
  9. I know, that cut me to my core. So deep on so many levels.
  10. Wha...I never said anything of the sort! In fact I didn't even know there was an april fools joke about grisaia... At any rate, the translation's great, no need to worry.
  11. Welcome back, Ryu. I haven't had a lot of time for VNs over the past week, but I'm free now so I can finally make some headway with Grisaia. Also, Subarashiki Hibi...someday.
  12. The page for grisaia on the tlwiki says that it was created on the 15th of June 2012. It was probably already partially translated by then, so as a guess...maybe April or May of 2012? Somewhere around there seems about right, so about a year and a bit for the whole thing. The other two games, however, are shorter; both of them combined are supposed to be only as long as or shorter than Kajitsu, so we should the next grisaia game translated rather quicker than Kajitsu. Hooray! All hail koestl! As an interesting side note, apparently the whole grisaia series is longer (in terms of raw tex
  13. Good choice, Sharin no Kuni is a lot of fun. The only things you'll want to avoid are really shoddy translations (I'm looking at you konosora) or the anti-christ of the translation world: machine translations. The games in your list shouldn't be a problem.
  14. As I said, we'll see how it all plays out; if what Aozaki said is true and the translation is decent, then I'll be very happy indeed. It is sad that the different groups weren't able to come together to work on Air, but, then again, the real world is never that simple.
  15. Oh great, what a mess. Well, I suppose we'll see how this plays out. It's completely beyond me as to why you'd have two translation projects... I suppose an optimistic view would be that we'd have Air sooner rather than later, but, then again, I'm not entirely confident as to the quality of the translation.
  16. I played the first four (Kanon, Clannad, Sharin no Kuni and Ever17). Kanon and sharin no kuni are fine, Clannad is a mixed bag (some is fine, other parts are a little shoddy) and Ever17 is ok with some minor issues. In conclusion, don't worry too much; they're all perfectly readable. Yes, I think they're looking to go through and do some editing with some minor translations, but I have no idea as to when (maybe after LB EX?).
  17. Huh, fewer responses than usual. It's almost like everyone is out playing some new game that got patched or something.
  18. Yeah 'cum' is a loanword from Latin and was a preposition meaning 'with'. It's somewhat uncommon, but it bridges two nouns together and means 'in addition' or 'along with being', and is usually used to bring together two contradictory or surprising nouns. It's also sometimes italicized to differentiate it from the slang, and/or to signify that it is Latin. Also, waaay ahead of you DragonBall. Downloaded that torrent a couple of weeks ago and pre-installed grisaia yesterday. Both my body and computer are ready.
  19. Wow, that was actually pretty quick. He was at ~50% on the 18th, meaning in about half a week he did almost 25%. That's reassuring ^^.
  20. Twin Pinks http://s.vndb.org/cv/27/8927.jpg "Reverse Trap Protagonist" and "Trap Protagonist"...not my cup of tea but Yachi might be into it.
  21. I don't think the restoration guys have edited anything besides adding the H scenes and other things that were removed. More than likely the moenovel's editing was just really erratic, although I haven't actually played konosora yet (waiting until the second patch).
  22. Thanks for the feedback! I write these not only because I enjoy expressing my opinions about the things I read/play, but to improve my writing skills. It's nice to hear what other people thought about the review, and helps to make me believe that what I wrote isn't complete rubbish. Let's call that a 1/2 invitation to dinner. It was more than I expected, so I'm calling it a victory.
  23. Just got my new computer ^^. As a first wallpaper, I went for this one. Edit: No, I really meant it like that. I wanted to give the link to the full sized version so if anyone wanted to save it, they could. I probably could have done both...meh, whatever .
  24. I'll probably eventually purchase it. Immediately?...Maybe not. As for gameplay, I like some types. RPG gameplay I enjoy (so I should be fine with this), but stuff like what's in Yu-No I'm not so keen on. Still, definitely looking forward to this; should be fun.
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