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Everything posted by Dan.

  1. Yeah, they're pretty bad. In Kanon, Mai's h-scene is especially bad. I think they really intended this game to have no h-scenes, but put them in there to appeal to the buyers. I don't know about other games, but the h-scenes in Little Busters! (Ex) are normal (not bad, not especially great, either).
  2. You have to think of it like that or else you'll get too caught up by all the stupid stuff (ramen ninja magic, etc.). This show has a zombie, a mahou shoujo, a necromancer, and vampire ninjas, but it's not about any of that stuff - the characters just happen to be those things. If you just accept that, you'll see how funny the show is.
  3. This is right; if you follow that walkthrough, you'll see the "additional ero-scenes" as you play through the various routes.
  4. Wow, I can't really say I'm surprised at the results, but I thought there would be a few votes for little brother. The answer is obviously little sister; a little brother, as a man, is supposed to be able to protect himself, but a girl always needs protecting (at least that's how it usually goes).
  5. I'll try to do that, then maybe I'll be able to put up with it.
  6. I almost dropped it, but I think I'll keep watching it and hoping it will get better. Also, that fat gay XD
  7. That makes more sense. He's such a wimp. I hate those characters. Hopefully he'll get better as the show goes on.
  8. I thought that would be the case (lots of real world stuff), but I was still hoping it wouldn't be. Eve n the pig avatar is better than the actual person, but why would anyone, especially a fat guy, make their avatar a pig in the first place? It seems like he's inviting people to make fun of him. I was already going to watch Sword Art Online, but your recommendation makes me look forward to it even more.
  9. The words in the picture say "Sword Art Online" on the left side and "Accel World" on the right. I also can't stand to look at him, but hopefully he'll be that silver avatar guy most of the time.
  10. Dan.


    If you liked Air and Clannad, then you should watch Kanon. All three are based on games made by the same people. Make sure you get the 2006 version by Kyoto Animation, it's much better than the 2002 version. I highly recommend Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai and True Tears. Some other shows that might have what you're looking for that haven't been mentioned: Green Green Myself; Yourself Da Capo
  11. Printing a DVD isn't very expensive, especially if they print a lot. I don't know how much they pay for licensing, but not including that cost, if they're selling them for $44.95 each, it's mostly profit. They're probably doing pretty well.
  12. It's available for pre-order on jlist $44.95 for a dvd hard copy
  13. They made that "Another World: Tomoyo" episode, though. I haven't played Tomoyo After, but I really liked Tomoyo's route. I thought the translation wasn't completed?
  14. Yeah, but they wanted KyoAni to do it, and KyoAni turned them down. And I don't know about trusting their judgment; it took them two tries to get Kanon right, and the other shows too. But I am optimistic about JC Staff. I like a lot of their shows; I'm just not sure about how they'll handle this because it isn't like the shows they normally do. And I'm just disappointed that it won't be KyoAni.
  15. I was talking about the games. When Little Busters! was released, they said the story was twice as long as Air's and half as long as Clannad's. I think it was in an interview of Maeda. Edit:
  16. Clannad was a lot longer than Kanon and Air. Maybe Clannad was more work than they expected so they don't want to do another one. Little Busters is supposed to be only half as long as Clannad, but Clannad was two seasons, so it would be just as much work to make Little Busters as it was to make the first season of Clannad. And that "half as long" was before Ex added three routes.
  17. Don't they realize Key + KyoAni = $$$ ? Every Key/KyoAni show has been very popular and successful and made tons of money. Maybe Key is hard to work with? Or it's a lot of work to do a Key project?
  18. JC Staff isn't bad or anything, but I don't understand why it's JC Staff; this isn't the kind of show they usually do. Hopefully Warner Bros. is just giving them money and has no input whatsoever.
  19. (T_T) This is the saddest face I could make over the internet, but I assure you, I am even sadder than this face.
  20. I can't wait for Rewrite and Little Busters Ex; I absolutely love Key. Some other games I'm looking forward to are Majikoi, Da Capo III, and Fortune Arterial.
  21. That looks pretty good; all the characters look like they did in the game. There isn't much more to say about it at this point. But the fact that they made a PV is good; it's more likely that it will actually be made. When there were like 10 seconds left I assumed the video was over and started scrolling down. Then I heard Mask the Saito and I freaked out for a second before I realized what it was.
  22. There was an official announcement, not just a rumor, but it can still be cancelled, especially at this point, when nothing has been decided yet except that it will be made. But there's so much fan support and people have been asking for it for years that it will probably be made. With this much support, there's lots of money to be made.
  23. Yeah, but I *just* played it. I finished it a few days ago. And I didn't know there was a v2 patch. I didn't have to go through that torture. But at least the game was pretty good, so I guess it was worth it, but still, I can't believe there was a v2, widely available, and I didn't have it.
  24. I can't believe there was a v2 out there and I played this game with that horrible grammar and spelling and every other type of mistake possible. I'm going to go cry in the corner now.
  25. I don't know what they have to do with the adaptations other than the original story and selling the rights. I don't know if they have anything at all to do with them beyond that, but even if they have nothing to do with it, it's still going to be great because of the great story it's based on, I'm still going to watch it, and Key making money off of it is still good for all of Key's fans.
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