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Everything posted by Nobu

  1. What's this I hear about nobu haters!?
  2. Well I doubt theyll do it now that it's ending :/ but we can hope
  3. First off, I didn't even know that there was. K on manga still active on life of the four of them in college or one on Azusa, but it's still fked up to see it go I was holdin onto the last bit of hope that there was going to be a new season, so much for that
  4. -Edit, because RJei's gotta be so anal - Dat ass.
  5. I think that's exactly what this saying is talking about. RARE MOMENT?!
  6. You know what a problem i have w/ Hoshizora is? This creature called "chinami," is there anyfixes that anyone knows of for this...and by fixes i mean COMPLETE TERMINATION OF CHINAMI.
  7. Nobu


    Oh, well atleast u saved me from dling it for nothing, rather play some random fps then
  8. What is this i hear about Seinarukana getting licensed?...U BASTARDS! THE FEW MOMENTS OF WHICH I LOOK FOWARD TO A VN... I dont rage silly, its called...w.e, i don't rage.
  9. Nobu


    I've actually never heard of the game till now, but ill download the free one 2mrw and see if it works w/ the mod.
  10. well, i mean, one of the ppl that like the MC is a trap...freaking tricked me...anyways... Its no fun when u don't understand the different references, most of the joy i get is from when i actually no what they are referencing
  11. pfft, if u could learn to play so easily, then Saki wouldn't be an anime! > I was born chinese 2...but i think i morphed into something else...black anyways...parents use to play but i didn't care to learn from them
  12. Nobu


    true, but its like, would u rather watch a preview of an anime or a whole episode of it w/ those "censered blocks background thingamajig...." u know what im talking about, covering over the whole screen
  13. Nobu


    =/ but i dont want to know about chitanda...the more i know about her...the more i HATE her, strong word, for strong resentment.
  14. Nobu


    =/ so if i use the mod on the free one, it'll probably look like crap... What a gay way to try and sell a game...make a crappy version for free.
  15. Nobu

    Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

    I actually didnt know what the story was about O_O i was just look foward 2 Rider's h-scenes...* drool drool*, but it sounds interesting enuff, i was afraid i would end up playing FSN over again but it looks like ill be in for a treat.
  16. Nobu


    IDK if its even the same thing lol O_O
  17. Nobu


    IDK if the mod works for this one Arma 2 free - Arma 2 Official Website, idk if its a free version of a pay 2 play game, since they go out of their way to purposely put "free" in the link, but who knows
  18. Now, you're probably wondering something along the lines of : -OMG NOBU THREAD?=SPAM THREAD. ...WELL EFF U TOOOOOO -WTF Stuff? Like how Nobu feels after he just fapped? ...Uh...NO?...actually maybe... (I had another thing to write but i forgot what i was gonna say so w/e) Basically, this is here so I can post fascinating and or depressing things that i just heard of, hence: The WTF Stuff . Obviously, you can't post in this thread silly, as it exists to help my post count. Why is this here? So i can save making seperate threads for every little thing that amazes me, Whic
  19. Need update the list, or so i think -Waifu: Rider : FSN
  20. OY OY OY HAPPY U-CAME-OUT-OF-A-PERSON-DAY. (i was gonna same mom, but...you never no...you never no...)

  21. Nobu


    I was gonna say just play L4D2 w/ me, but i do like the idea of the suspence, i would definitely always kill the other person for their stuff . thats nobuian survival, btw, if u do get killed by someone else, what happens then?o-o -Alright watched the video and it answered my question, u start over...anyways I felt so bad when that guy died when he tried to get the backpack lol, god i would hate to play this game, feel maddddd guilty.] -but ill try it out, is armA2 free?o-o
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