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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. I bet half the people who use torrents don't even know that you upload as well as download.. Also I'll be seeding it until I've finished it, Completely.
  2. A popular Anime and yet it's a lot harder to find Decent wallpapers for it :/ http://puu.sh/EARm
  3. Still stick with my list from last month :/ Bishoujo Mangekyou Zutto Tsukushite Ageru no! Shinigami no Testament Hyouka no Mau Sora ni If only
  4. Sweeter then Shana and Sora making love with Aria in a 3 Way.
  5. But it will be so worth it, You know it will.
  6. I'm not one for Blood related, but if it's like Kiss x Sis, then I don't find it to bad, On a slightly off topic part, Is your Sig from a certain Anime or is it just a random one you found?
  7. Freaking school days! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! FTMFW! http://static.fjcdn.com/comments/MOTHER+_0a4a30116a3cb1e16726a3529feebcc9.jpg http://jimfre.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/031611_2002_mememememem11.jpg?w=594 Also no, Not because it's the Latest VN out, But for a few reasons, 1: I've been waiting so fucking long to play it, 2 : I want more of that tragedy filled storyline that was in the Anime, 3 : I came to get money and fuck bitches. Preferably this one: http://i498.photobucket.com/albums/rr342/kotatsushinbum/Edica
  8. 1 Thing to learn may be that I don't like to minimise the size of the pictures I post, Also that resolution fits my screen perfectly fine without having to sidescroll.
  9. 10/10 as it explains everything about his attitude in his posts ^^
  10. I cry a little when I find a really good Anime series/ Or I fell in love with the Heroine/s ( Not seriously love, More of becoming fond of them over the typical ones ) that either never got a Second series, Comes to an end after a long running ( Shakugan no Shana for example ) or ones that are so bad they make you cry. Hell I even cried at the end of Yosuga no Sora when I never got to find out how their relationship went :/ Although I can pretty much guess it had a lot more sex in it. http://puu.sh/E4On If you woke up to that in the morning, Wouldn't you do what she asked?
  11. I'm sensing something here.. http://puu.sh/E4Kx Also yours is kind of.. Uneven so 6/10 I suppose, I've just got OCD when it comes to things being neat.
  12. I was basically saying that the fight scenes were the cherry on top that made it a pile of feces, Way to much Ecchi, I didn't even notice any comedy, It was basically a mockery of Vampire Knight of which I also didn't like.. In terms of them both being about Vampires which is usually a genre which I like :/
  13. ^ Picture reminds me of Run from A Channel 7/10. http://geekrevolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/A-Channel-Episode-5-pic-1.jpg
  14. I'm all for Rosario, I mean 60 seconds or less long fight scenes? Practically the definition of Bullshit.
  15. They gotta be tight though, Tighter then their vag. Also I'm not really sure what to think of that ^^.. 6/10? :S
  16. Not a fan of that art style I must say, Although I've seen worst, It fits the Res and size of the Avatar limit quite nicely, 7/10
  17. It's ugly as fuck pretty much.
  18. Actually it depends on whether or not win8 includes the same features as win7, If it does then you should be able to run it in compatibility mode ( Never used it that often so I don't even know if it works ), I suppose you should give it at least a month to be able to get a full answer on whether or not win8 will effect VN's unless you try it yourself and find out, I'll stick to my win7 though.
  19. And last but not least.. [video=youtube;7HQNiMeH-xo]
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