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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. I swear there was no episode for like 2 or 3 weeks? :S
  2. Dubs

    Picture Wars

    Yeah you can do a fuck load of stuff with that game, I had an army of Hatsune Mikus and Humanoid GLaDoS's against an army of Combine, Was hella-fun. http://i48.tinypic.com/2rg2yo1.jpg That's from a week ago or so when I just spawned a load of random Anime NPCs..
  3. Dubs

    Picture Wars

    It's a pic from a sandbox game called Garrys mod..
  4. Dubs

    Picture Wars

    Ah haaa. http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/1395/gmflatgrass0005p.jpg
  5. Ah ha we have man believe me, We've got a couple of things planned throughout this summer then when she and I have both finished University we plan to go traveling round the world, That's definitely something we will end up doing because once she's got her mind set on something, She won't forget about it. We do accept each other's traits to the ability that we can, One of the best things that I love about my relationship with her is that we can tell when each other is being serious and when they aren't which also acts as a buffer for any arguments that normal couples would have, And
  6. Have tried that idea before lol, Felt so cheesy giving it to her although I swear she still has a few left over, You start to run out of ideas on what to do though >_> especially trying to fill a whole notebook, No she's my GF and staying that way
  7. She bought me an iPhone on contract and a £200 pair of Beats headphones for Christmas, When I tell her not to buy me more stuff, She goes and buys me more stuff, I'm not a cheap bastard she just doesn't let me spend my money
  8. That's why I rarely play VN's.. Yet.. I'm here on an eroge forum, Lolwut.. Although my GF rarely ever asks for anything, It's usually the other way around.
  9. That's why having a loaded GF is the best , But in all fairness I buy most of my stuff myself and so does she.
  10. Maintaining? :S Lol I've been dating my GF for over a year now and I've not needed to "Maintain" her once..
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SosW6j41uno&hd=1
  12. 渡辺 Watanabe (near a crossing) 大輝 Taiki (large radiance) Lol mk and my Full name is: 渡辺 Watanabe (near a crossing) 忠義 Tadayoshi (loyal and righteous)
  13. Dubs

    Picture Wars

    Ecchi/ Romance & Comedy. http://i1232.photobucket.com/albums/ff370/tYyPp1/K-ON-DontcomeGitah.gif
  14. Dubs

    Picture Wars

    Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi
  15. Dubs

    Picture Wars

    In all fairness I expected it to turn into a debate about how pointless it would be for this but yeah, If Ivan would be so kind as to move it then that would be handy. http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/bloguploads/star-wars-meme-lied-comic.jpg Also was watching Hidan no Aria and had this: http://puu.sh/BdYB http://puu.sh/BdX8 http://puu.sh/BdXF http://puu.sh/BdZB
  16. Dubs

    Picture Wars

    No they were starting pictures to choose from, plus they don't really have to counter the picture, just be along the same lines as it of which those 2 weren't....
  17. Dubs

    Picture Wars

    EDIT: THERE ARE NO RULES, POST AS MUCH RANDOM SHIZ PICTURES AS YOU LIKE. http://i.imgur.com/IQHlA.jpg http://qikr.co/files/pics/e/ep3249595186.png
  18. http://www.whiners.pro/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Hatsuyuki_C3_Cube_x_Cursed_x_Curious_-_01_1280x720AD0D47A7.mkv_snapshot_06.36_2011.10.08_03.50.15.jpg
  19. http://i47.tinypic.com/2isfm02.jpg
  20. Are you on about in general or on Loli's?, Because I don't think you can go to small with Loli's but I'm not one for overly large breasts either way, Especially when mixed in with the Cliché Large Breasts Clumsy Klutz act, Nothing pisses me off more then that in Anime.
  21. Usually a tragedy scene, or someone dying, Unfortunately I can't think of any atm.
  22. Something about that desktop intrigues me, I'm not sure what though.. Also welcome to the Forums. Also here. http://puu.sh/BeaQ Changed from ObjectDock to RocketDock instead, Plus I've got an Icon pack with like 2000 custom icons.
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