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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. no... i think you were more like DROOLED all the way to Mars~
  2. i tried.. but as long there's people replying... we cant do anything dont we???
  3. i dont remember they have one~
  4. see... she's fine..... wow... what a daring attack!!!
  5. actually.. i was revealing her inner side based on my experience.. so..you can say i crap the shit up either.. anyway.. i remember something bout her being married right??? maybe she got a wimpy+weak husband... thats why she fantasies all those yet she cant have her pleasure.. so all she can do is complain and rant bout her stupid ideas and dreams~ harem is harem...what we think and what we want never being realistic neither does reality.. so..harem are fine by its own.. other than tentacle rape for sure..
  6. i never knew that you're DUPED~
  7. since you re-start the loli thread..

    can you do the same for childhood friends??

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwQ2XrqMeSk going thru her song while holding back the emotions from last episode of Shana3~
  9. actually no... i believe it's more deeper than that.. for example... it might be so that she could brag and rant bout the game on the front while putting innocent and conceited mindset for show... which conceal the perverted and unsatisfiable addiction towards pornography... to make matter worst... its her desire to be rape and devour both physically and mentally by saddist.. after all.. all masochist are the same..acting tough in front of others... she's no more than a tentacle-anal-rape lover... and make it worst..she's a exhibist!!!!!
  10. wowo..

    just next month??

    must be nice...

    you joining too???

  11. ending Shana3....


    still stuck in non-moe game??

  12. lolz.... guess we need to wait whether Shin Koihime will ever get translated or not~
  13. hmmm.. i might play if i got time~
  14. its not iai.... in Iai-do... you lower down your central of gravity while the body flex forward depending on your main hand and your pivot~
  15. not the comp.. its the program... somehow the patch unstable... run in compatibility will fix/reduce it.. mine the same~
  16. i'll make sure you're DROWNED into the Realm of Infinity~
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