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Everything posted by Lanselot

  1. When Deardrops was out people had been sooo excited for it and for sooo long. I tried it, I got somewhat bored =/
  2. I guess you are all playing it in japanese?
  3. Just imagine how epic it'll be when it is, then! Ha!
  4. No one has said Majikoi (Maji de Watashi), yet it's one of the best.
  5. Yeah lolz, he finally grew some balls (notice that before accepting her, he goes again with the "don't start jocking at a moment like this"). Also, Liliana ftw : D
  6. Chris doesn't have an After Story, but her route contains already the 3 h-scenes and the life as a couple, which is basically what the After Stories are. But I wanna play Majikoi S @_@ An extra After Story for each Majikoi heroine for what I remember reading!
  7. I think he was so concerned on trying not to give the impression that he sees Campione as soft-hentai that he ended up making a mess xD I like Campione too, except for the main character... Ooooh I'm a godslaying bla bla bla superepic stuff, a harem of girls that love me. What do I do? Keep super humble to the point that I humiliate and disregard their feelings, and friendzone them by denying their feelings constantly in front of them! : D
  8. He's insane for thinking that Code Geass is shitty o.o Really insane.
  9. ^ 7/10 cuz since the very first day I'm wondering which anime is it
  10. You shouldn't trust them too much. The summaries tend to be nice, but the tags tend to be misplaced, foolish, or plainly wrong. Reviews are quite better.
  11. Well, I say group as in "people who wanna write reviews", not a closed professional group.
  12. That's what I was saying indeed. A group of some people and someone who made the thread and kept it updated, too.
  13. But all armies need many kinds of generals to compensate!
  14. The only fault I found in Oda Nobunaga is how the protag keeps going nearly crazy eeeeeevery single time something is not exactly as how it should be historically talking.
  15. So hypped for the anime @_@ Aw yeah, from the video I can see that the first fight between Masato and Kengo where Masato "wields" a cat to fight will be there xD
  16. Just a piece of advice. When you start reading a review and it goes like "plot: u r a" the immediate thought of many people is "this guy is trolling, I'm not reading this". It would be nice if someone / a group of someones decided to make a list and keep it edited o:
  17. C'on, ladies, it was damn obvious this was false... Dalai Lama complaining about anime dubbing? Yeah, I bet he has watched much anime.
  18. Lulz, started playing Elysium: Rise of the Dark King... for some mysterious reason the protagonist turns kinda ugly after the introduction xD
  19. I'm not sure if the music for the first video deserves a 10/10 or a 0/10. Really epic, completly unfitting xD Does anyone know if the romance tag is real or it's "that kind" of romantic anime?
  20. Sei said that, too, so... Also, if Aisha was a different kind of person, kazuto might not even be alive, Ren coudl had been murdered on the battlefield, etc. Tons of possibilities. Yeah, cuz Yatamo suffers so much from Momoyo's "abuses"... She simply teases him a lot, and Tamato does not complain about it in a "please stop doing it forever" way, neither does she make him look pathetic. And this is specially obvious in Momoyo's route.
  21. Most humans have the same number of chests, though.
  22. Actually, it does make sense... the game focuses on classic and rock music as life styles, not just music to listen. While it's sometimes stressing how he keeps repeating that he cannot play the violin again, the reasoning behind the game does make sense.
  23. I use them for complex Galges or for unfair ones. Like, let's say you are given three options, A, B and C. Only C is the good one, but it's impossible to know so unless you have already played the Galge, so I use a walkthrough.
  24. Sexy Demon Transformation has consensual sex involving tentacles xD
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